
Live Where you Work

In Plato's Cave, the newbie Tribune blog, writer George Pyle posted on Utah, suburbs, highways, and living sustainably. I wanted to give a hat tip to a good and obvious idea that many Utahns tend to overlook. Live where you work.
Unfortunately, in our recent home purchase, the logistics of that were a little harder to work out. You see, I work downtown, but my partner works in the Fort Union area. So, we could live close to one or the other but be many miles from one or the other at the same time.
So, we compromised. We found a home in the middle, slightly closer to downtown and on a bus route. So, since my partner drives a scooter, we use less gas because I can catch the bus or, if I could ever get up on time, ride my bike to work...a mere 30 blocks from home.
And in the future, maybe when my partner gets into the police force, we can move closer to downtown. I am not afraid of living in a neighborhood where life doesn't stop at 6 pm.

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